Special Agency of the Coordination of Environmental Projects (S.A.C.E.P)

The Special Agency for Coordination of Environmental Projects (S.A.C.E.P) was established by Law 3614/2007 (Government Gazette A267 / 3.12.2007) and in particular Articles 5, 10, 12 and 18 thereof. To JMD 19883/2008 (Official Gazette V1957 / 23.9.2008), as amended to JMD 15078/2012 (Official Gazette V980 / 29.3.2012), determined the structure and responsibilities. The determination of the qualifications and merits of the Service referred to JMD 23813/2009 (Official Gazette V'1170 / 17.6. 2009).

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URL http://www.eysped.gr/